How to integrate snapADDY DataQuality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (v. 9.2 or newer)

This is an installation guide for DataQuality in Microsoft Dynamics.

Importing the solution

  1. Go into Advanced Settings.

  2. Under Settings dropdown go to Solutions.

  3. Click on Import (picture: Importieren).


  4. Download our Solution and select it.

  5. After selecting the file click Continue  (picture: Weiter) and finally Import.

 Adding the new Web Resource as Tab to menu of any Hub

  1. Open the Power App Launcher within Dynamics 365.


  2. Select the Power Apps Application you want to use - for example Sales Hub - and click on "Open in App Designer".

  3. Select the correct Environment in the upper right corner (our main environment is called snapADDY GmbH).

  4. Add a Group.

  5. Enter a "Title".
  6. Click on "Save" and then on "Publish".

  7. Add a new Page.

  8. Select "Web Resource" as Type. 

  9. Select "DataQuality" or “snapaddy_DataQuality” as URL (check autocomplete).
  10. Add a Title.
  11. Click on "Add".

End Result

After this tutorial snapADDY DataQuality is available as a tab in your selected Hub.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact or your Customer Success Manager.