How to connect weclapp with snapADDY

A how to step-by-step guide

  1. Sign in into weclapp and click on your profile e-mail address in the upper right corner. Choose My settings.

  2. Scroll down the page and click on API Token. Highlight the API and copy it.


  3. Go to snapADDY DataQuality and click the settings icon in the upper bar.

  4. Scroll down til you see the weclapp integration and paste the copied API Key.

    In Addition you have to fill in your custom weclapp URL at this point. Copy the URL from the weclapp web interface and paste it in DataQuality.


  5. Test the connection to your snapADDY DataQuality. Successful is being displayed when the connection was set up properly.


If you have more questions, feel free to contact our support under  or your Customer Success Manager